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SkinB5 scores 3.1 out of 5, based on 51 reviews in our SkinB5 forum.

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6% (3)
10% (5)
73% (36)
8% (4)
2% (1)

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SkinB5 Reviews

Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this SkinB5 forum.

Author: Jannat from Bangladesh

Just have started with deep hope which didn't fulfil accutane.I took accutane 20mg per day with 6 months period and believed that I am really beautiful but after 3 months from stopping the drug I came back to my real fact that actually was before using accutane. I am tired of with this shit and think I could hide of my face.

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Author: Diddy from Canada

This product is the best I have used in a long time. I am seeing results and really hoping these results stay as I am feeling great!

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Author: Anonymous from NY

I am so very happy with this product. I had my doubts before purchasing however the more good reviews I saw the more it pushed me to purchase and I am so glad I did.

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Author: Anonymous from Singapore

good stuff to stop acne and clear skin!

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Author: Lee from Southend-on-Sea

After suffering really bad skin and acne problems a friend pointed me to this product however I found it not to work as well for me as it did for my friend. Every one is different I understand so I am hoping that is the case with me and soon I will see better results.

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Author: Anonymous from USA

Absolutely brilliant product. I would not choose any other product now after choosing this one great results way better than I expected.

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Author: Sandra from Nottingham

My son has always had a big problem with acne ever since being in his early teens, we tried so many different products with him to help clear the acne but non worked. This is the latest product we have tried on my son and it's working great. I now have one happy son, thank you!

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Author: Brandi Smith from Staten Island

I had tried so many products all of which would give me results but not permanent. Since using Skin B5 I have had great results and I am pleased to say that they have been permanent for me.

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Author: Steven from Birmingham

I still have not as of yet had majorly noticeable results from this product after using for a few months, I am going to continue using it to see if I notice any further changes.

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Author: Toni from England

I have had problems with acne ever since I could remember and it was a real problem for me. I tried so many products and non would work for me which made me very stressed. Skin B5 has been the best for me so far and I am very pleased with my results, I can finally go out and feel confident in my skin.

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Author: Tina from Texas

Absolutely brilliant product. I use this with the Skin B5 Acne Control Moisturiser and I am very pleased with the results. My skin has never felt better.

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Author: Kevin from London

I had been using this product for a month and was really pleased with my results. I had friends and family complimenting me saying how much better my skin looked.

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